Canine Frozen Semen Transport Service
At Pet Cargo, we have over 15 years of experience providing private canine frozen semen transport in the United States and internationally. Our team of experts will take care of all the transportation logistics, so that you won’t have anything to worry about. We work with the most recognized dog breeders all over the world to deliver the highest-quality frozen dog semen to our customers. We strive to always go above and beyond for our customers to deliver shipments quickly, efficiently, and safely all over the world.
Canine Frozen Semen Transport Experts
Canine semen transport requires care and efficiency. We utilize our own dry shippers to ensure the frozen dog semen is always shipped as safely and securely as possible. Our team has extensive knowledge about how to transport frozen canine semen, so you can rest assured your shipment will arrive safely.
Logistic Coordination Worldwide
We work with the most important Canine Semen Banks in the United States, Europe, and Latin America, who have relied on our work for more than 20 years. Our coordinated efforts help us reduce the time it takes to transport canine semen and the cost of the shipment. This partnership allows us to offer the best transport rates between the United States and Europe, as well as transport from the United States and South America for our customers.
Marilu Gioso – Sao Paulo University – One of our friends in the Canine Frozen Semen Transport field.
Stress Free Transportation
At the time we receive your request for a dog frozen semen shipment, our staff will review all the paperwork needed and will inform you of the complete shipment schedule. Our team will notify you of any additional information required for secure transportation, as well. We will complete all the paperwork, so you won’t have to worry about anything during the entire process.
If you want the highest-quality canine frozen semen transport services available, then you’ve come to the right place. Our team of experienced experts use strict procedures and high-quality equipment to ensure your dog semen is transported safely. Our professional canine semen transport specialists are here to help every step of the way. Contact our experienced team at Pet Cargo, today.